Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Video: Town regroups after devastating tornadoes

>>> n one would blame you for wonding about our weather theseys. it's back in the ns night. we were two degrees shy of 90 degrees heren n york today. up near the canadian border , me temperatures fell b 4 degrees in just hou over this weekend. and, of course, sadlysou know, in the plainsnd par of e midwest, this is a day of revery after a violent weend. on satday, there were more than 130 repor of tornados across four different states some of the storms hadinds clocked at over 150 miles an hour. jay gray is in woodward oklahoma fo us tonight. jay, good evening.

>> good evening, brian. the most tragic number tonight is 6:00, that's how many peopl wereilled in the tordos this weekend. all those victims livg right here in woodward oklahoma . weave all seen the weather radar and maps. four survors this is what a toadoooks like up cse and personal.

>> look at that

>> reporter: the images are frightening.

>> go, go, go.

>> reporter: t power, the intensity. the devastation left behind.

>> you're just overwlms by erything, by the situation.

>> a situation that forecters say could have been much worse. first responders believe liv were saved when 24 hours before the first strike for only the send time ever the national weather service warned of a potential "high-endife threatening event." the violent stor delivered on that threat. more than 100 tornados ripping through fourstates. the most vicious aack in oklahoma .

>> i wrapped my arm and legs around him a i said,lee don't let me go, don't let me go. please, just hangn to me.

>> now the townf woodward is tryingo hang on. after aassive twister targeted theit of 13,000 in theiddle of the night, t funnelnly revealed by a flash of ghtning. when most everything is gone after a tornado, help often comes from family.

>> wre tight. we're real tight-knit family.

>> your truck made it.

reporter: today, ts family is searching for memories and a special gift.

>> oday is her birtay.

repter: his year her presents are family treasures saved from tood andhard of glass ttse to be their home

>> mchildrenre fine, my grandkids are fi. i can build another house. i can't build ather man like that.

reporter: despite their surroundings, thei spirit and solve unbroken.

>> i'm not leaving, that's wt you're aing me. this is my house this 24 is our home.

>> reporte hes like th one, there are 89 torn apart here in wood tward, and hundreds more scaer add long theath ofhe violent stor.

>> jay gray in okloma for

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