Friday, August 24, 2012

Online information Termite Melbourn -

Termite Melbourne,Termite Sydney - Online information Termite Melbourn
by Barry Fair
Send Feedback to Barry Fair
Request Reprint | Print | About Author | Report Problem | Tweet This You may be thinking why insect management assistance Termite Sydney has got such a extensive popularity from the individuals who use it. This is because they are experts and they know their job very well. Whenever they obtain a need from any client, then first they perform a research of the home whether it is really swarmed by bed bugs or there is some other problem. Hence individuals choose the use of insect management assistance in Termite Melbourne as in this case they are sure that they are swarmed with bed bugs. The substances that we of our Termite Sydneymanagement organization use are accepted ones by globe health tracking systems. You would not experience the discomfort of annoying fragrance and discomfort of sight or nasal area which are the typical result of people to the substances used by other organizations for their Termite Sydney assistance procedure. This happens because more often than not individuals are puzzled when they are hit by these unwanted insect infestations. Selecting the right insect management assistance or insect management assistance in Faridabad includes detailed research and time and there are certain key tips that are to be kept in mind when one selects a insect management assistance in Termite Melbourne. Maintaining the solutions of a excellent insect management assistance in Termite Melbourne needs as I said detailed research of the various solutions that are provided by the various gamers in the market. Maintaining the solutions of a excellent insect management company in Termite Melbourne is important because insect management needs specialized equipment and information along with the right kind of substances or preservatives that are used usually by such companies for insect management. Termites are usually wood-destroying bugs found in some places of Florida and they cause harm which goes to huge amount of money yearly.

Our change as our perform is also most eye-catching. Effective perform at reasonable prices is what our insect assistance would offer you. Not some out of the world and out of your range price would we ask for our insect management assistance. Our primary aim is to make sure client support in all places.

We all know the down factors of bed bugs, flame bugs, ticks and several, but I thought it might be exciting to ask Henderson why, in the huge environmental general program of things, we should appreciate them. Texas has two primary types of bed bugs namely the undercover wide range which make their home in the ground and are frequent throughout the state and the other wide range are dry-wood bugs which assault audio, dry-wood and are most frequent in seaside places. There is a 70 percent opportunity that wood made components in Florida will be assaulted by bed bugs in the first 10-20 years. These may start fighting even after development if the necessary anti-Termite Sydney therapy has not been performed during development with the use of insect management assistance in Termite Melbourne. Medicine of the ground within the groundwork with germicidal substances is one remedy to avoid such insect assault. This is known as pre-treatment and it decreases the risk of undercover bed bugs.

We have a reputation and extremely pleased of keeping a fresh yet client fulfilled Termite Sydney management assistance.

To know more details please visit:

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Barry Fair

Termite Melbourne,Termite Sydney

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Keywords: Termite Melbourne,Termite Sydney

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

For the Love of God, DON'T Forget That Anniversary

(This was totally supposed to go live yesterday, but it didn't! So sue me. Wait! I'm too broke to sue. Please don't sue me). For those of you who haven't followed the blog for very long, I would just like you to know one thing: My boyfriend is fucking adorable. Our first-year anniversary isn't until September 17th, but everyday this past week, he has woken up and then immediately shouted out, "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY," at the top of his lungs. To which I always respond, "Baby, it's next month," and then, of course, he gets a little pouty and says, "I'm just practicing." Honestly, I think he's a little afraid he'll miss the anniversary altogether if he doesn't shout it out everyday.

And I'm totally OK with that. (Because it's adorable).

I was with my last boyfriend for a year and a half, but our first-year anniversary passed without any sort of to-do. Which kinda sucked. Sure it was just a first-year anniversary, but that first year is pretty important to me. It's that first big milestone where you can say, "Hey, look! We haven't killed each other yet!"

I even called the last boyfriend the night before the anniversary to remind him it was the next day and he STILL forgot. But, hey, in all fairness, there was a lot more wrong with that relationship than just a selective memory.

A lot.

This is the part where most authors would segue into a plug for their?latest book, but I'm not going to do that! Why? Well, because that would be a pretty awkward segue. Today I'm just serving up a little realness (as if I don't already do that all the time on my?weekly vlogs) because I think this is a topic that will resonate with several people (minus a large chunk of the dude population, of course. But now I'm just stereotyping).

I've been obsessively watching the DIY/Craft feed on Pinterest for over a week now with little success searching for the?perfect?gift I can make for the BF. I mean, don't get me wrong. Pinterest is pretty kickass and I've found a lot of awesome projects I can't wait to sink my teeth into, but I still haven't found the?perfect?one yet. I want to make him a gift that will be special and awesome and help him take over the world and be something he'll want to keep for years and years because I made it (but, hey, I'd settle for three out of four on that one).

But maybe I'm getting a little too intense over this. Maybe I should just get him a pair of Superman boxers (to go with his Batman pair, of course) and call it a day.

Or maybe I should make him a zombie apocalypse survival kit! Yeah...

I'm screwed.

Ana Hart is a writer of erotica and romance and an Internet celebrity wannabe. She also films a crazy awesome vlog each week. The latest episode can be found?HERE. Subscribers to her YouTube channel are getting cookies for Christmas. You can see the deets?HERE.


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South Korea Returns Letter From Japan Over Island Dispute

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Thursday, August 23, 2012
A letter concerning a territorial dispute from Japan?s leader, Yoshihiko Noda, was rejected by South Korea, which then sought to return the correspondence and was itself refused. ...


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IAEA head 'not optimistic' on access to Iran ... - World News Tomorrow

world news tomorrow

WORLD NEWS TOMORROW ? International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Yukiya Amano has played down chances of a breakthrough when talks with Iran resume on Friday, but said the agency would pursue access to the Parchin military site, which diplomats say may have been cleansed of evidence of illicit nuclear activity.

Visiting the Parchin complex has become a priority for the U.N.?s nuclear watchdog as it seeks to end what the West sees as Iranian stonewalling of its investigation into allegations that Tehran has sought to design a nuclear weapon.

?I cannot be too optimistic ? We have been making our best efforts in a constructive spirit to work out an agreement between Iran and IAEA, but so far we have not been successful in reaching agreement,? Amano told reporters on Wednesday during a visit to Finland. ?I have no indication this will change very soon.?

Citing satellite images, Western diplomats say Iran has demolished some small buildings and moved earth at Parchin in an apparent attempt to purge incriminating evidence from a site where the IAEA believe tests in a steel chamber relevant to nuclear arms were carried out, possibly a decade ago.

Amano said the IAEA still wanted access, but that apparent efforts to sanitize Parchin could impede the agency?s inquiry.

?Through the satellite imagery we think that Iran is moving soil, demolishing buildings, using water, removing fences, doing landscape activities. We think this would hamper our verification activities,? he said, echoing previous comments. ?Nevertheless we keep on requesting Iran to give us access to the building at the site of Parchin.?

Iran denies accusations that it wants to develop nuclear arms technology, saying it is after civilian atomic energy only.

But its refusal to open up its nuclear work to unfettered IAEA inspections that could pin down whether it is purely peaceful or not has led to tougher international sanctions against Iran and heightened speculation that Israel, Tehran?s archenemy, might bomb its nuclear sites as a last resort.

?I have heard that there is currently a lot of clean-up going on at Parchin,? one diplomat accredited to the IAEA said, who like others said such activity came to light only after the IAEA mentioned Parchin in a detailed report late last year.

Another diplomat told world news that he believed the Iranians would not allow access to Parchin ?unless they are extremely confident that there will be nothing found.?

A U.S. think tank, the Institute for Science and International Security, said this month that satellite imagery of Parchin showed ?what appears to be the final result of considerable sanitization and earth-displacement activity.?

Iran says Parchin, about 30 kilometers (20 miles) southeast of the capital Tehran, is a conventional military site and has dismissed allegations aired about it as ?ridiculous.?

Friday?s IAEA-Iran talks in Vienna could offer a last-minute chance for Tehran to influence the content of a pending agency report on Iran if Iranian authorities were to offer concessions regarding access to sites, documents and officials.

The latest quarterly report will be submitted to the agency?s 35-nation governing board, which convenes Sept. 10-14, with Iran likely to again dominate the agenda.

Amano said the IAEA had not drawn any conclusions yet.

?We are not saying Iran has nuclear weapons, we are not saying Iran has made a decision,? he said. ?But because pieces of information do indicate [suspicious] activities . we would like Iran to engage with us to clarify these issues.?

The IAEA made clear in earlier rounds of talks this year that its overriding request was to go to Parchin.

Iran says it must first agree on a framework for the IAEA?s inquiry before possibly allowing access ? a stance dismissed by Western diplomats as delaying tactics.

Even if Iran did grant a visit to Parchin, U.N. inspectors would probably uncover no hard evidence of nuclear arms-related work, according to proliferation expert Mark Fitzpatrick at the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tank.

?The clean-up probably could not totally remove uranium particles, but they wouldn?t be enriched and Iran would be able to offer exculpatory explanations,? Fitzpatrick told World News


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The 'fiscal cliff' isn't just a game anymore

For the last several months, Republicans and Democrats have been?posturing their way towards the the edge?of the so-called "fiscal cliff," a mix of nearly $500 billion in tax hikes and spending cuts set to go into effect in January.?It was thought that flying off this cliff would cause a "modest recession" in the first half of 2013, but it turns out, the consequences may be significantly worse.

RELATED: Gingrich Is the Most Polarizing Candidate But Also Most Admired

According to a new analysis by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the country will be plunged into a severe recession if Congress fails to act on the fiscal cliff,?The Washington Post's?Lori Montgomery?reports. Per Montgomery:

The massive round of New Year?s belt-tightening ... would disrupt recent economic progress, push the unemployment rate back up to 9.1 percent by the end of 2013 and cause economic conditions ?that will probably be considered a recession,? the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said.

The outlook is considerably darker than the forecast?the agency released in January, when CBO predicted that the fiscal cliff would trigger a modest recession in the first half of 2013, followed by a quick recovery.

While that's a scary thought, it's not something that will necessarily spur politicians to action. First, this is all set to happen after the election so it doesn't pose as an immediate obstacle for either President Obama or Mitt Romney. Secondly, with a Democratically-controlled Senate and a Republican-controlled House, the politics of passing a bill to stave off the threat isn't adding up yet. (It could be resolved during the lame duck sessions according to some analysts.) Thus far, Democrats have used the fiscal cliff as leverage against the Republicans, threatening to let the tax hikes and spending cuts go into effect?unless Republicans agree to raises taxes on the very wealthy. The CBO just made that gambit a tad riskier, giving Republicans ammo to say the other side is taking the economy hostage.


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Why Email Marketing is a Slowly Dying Art | Modern Dignity - The ...

email marketing

As the emergence of social media meet-ups confirms, traditional offline marketing methods are far from redundant. Instead, the principles of physical networking and face to face communication are simply being integrated with digital media to create a more tangible marketing experience for both brands and consumers alike.

There are certain remote marketing techniques that can be described as being moribund, however, especially in an age where social media is such an accessible and influential medium. Email marketing is a relevant example, as although it is still widely used within the nonprofit sector it is becoming an increasingly outdated practice among commercial firms.

3 Reasons why Email Marketing is No Longer Effective:

While you may consider email marketing to be a perfectly viable outreach technique, there have been a number of technological advancements that have made it unsuitable for purpose. Consider the following: -

  • The Evolution of Spam and Junk Email Filters: The junk email used to be a significant problem for online users, who were forced to delete thousands of messages sent by less than reputable commercial outlets. As a result, leading service providers such as Google and Hotmail have invested a great deal of money into developing a more sophisticated filtering system, which highlights spam content or messages that may have been sent from an erroneous address. This has not only created a negative perception about commercially orientated emails, but also made reaching a wide target market through this method extremely difficult.

  • The Emergence of SMS Marketing as a Key Business Tool: At the turn of the century, e-commerce and email marketing were two of the most cultivated trends within the business world. Both have since been superseded, however, by infinitely more flexible trading and advertising techniques. While m-commerce has become dominant in an age where nearly 50% of consumers do the majority of their product selection and procurement online, so too SMS marketing has evolved as an innovative tool addresses a growing target market. Whether you send texts through a partnering company?s software or independently, they are far more likely to have an instant and long lasting impact on consumers.

  • The Rise and Rise of Social Media: If m-commerce is the leading consumer trend at present, then social media is not far behind it. While resources such as Facebook and Twitter may have affiliations with a number of different markets and industries, this has not stopped them in becoming an influential referral tool for consumers to share product and service experience. More than 20% of consumers in the U.S. now research or seek referrals for a product through social media, where they can rely on a network of acquaintances to offer genuine and real time opinions. This distinguishes social media as an extremely important marketing tool, especially once your product has taken its first steps in the market place.

The Bottom Line

When you think about redundant marketing concepts, your thoughts are automatically drawn to traditional and offline techniques. These in fact remain extremely viable marketing tools, however, especially when they are integrated with digital techniques as part of a broad strategy to promote your product or brand. This trend is also likely to become even more pronounced in the next 5 years, as marketers begin to streamline their strategies and eliminate less effective processes.

With this in mind, it is less evolved digital marketing methods that are at risk of extinction. While email market was pivotal to almost all brand awareness campaigns at the start of the last decade, evolutions within the world of technology and society have rendered it as an ineffective and potentially damaging promotional exercise. Now that charitable organizations now also have far wider access to technology than ever before, email marketing may be completely extinct by the start of 2020.

Author Bio: This article was written by Julie on behalf of To peruse the very latest line of SIM only contract deals, visit this link today.


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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Stone Paving For a Remarkable-Looking Home -

The rough and earthy appeal of stone paving is very charming, which accounts for its popularity among homeowners and designers of commercial buildings. Whether stone paving is done for patios, driveways and walkways, it transforms an environment giving it not only beauty but also a lot of warmth and character.

What Are The Materials Used For Stone Paving?

Are up for a do-it-yourself stone paving at home? Before you begin, consider the following materials: sandstone, slate and bluestone. These are some of the most commonly used materials for stone paving each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

Sandstone for example is durable and tough against harsh environments but it is not exactly the most water-resistant material. Good and occassional sealing of the stone paving is necessary. Slate meanwhile is a great building material but it is rather costly. Bluestone is very hardwearing but unfortunately it is also porous. This type of stone also requires sealing.

Do plenty of research about all your options for stone paving materials before making a decision and making that bulk purchase from trusted natural stone supplier.

Can You Do Stone Paving Yourself?

Are you excited about beginning your home improvement project and considering doing it yourself? Be warned though that while DYI is possible, it is a tremendous challenge. You might be going over online instructions and DYI videos thinking that the task seems quite simple enough but the truth is Stone Paving requires imagination, meticulousness and a lot of hard manual labor.

Creativity and imagination are important. Stone paving can be beautifully designed with a mix of materials but it is also easy to go wrong. So many homeowners have dabbled with designing mosaic-like stone paving only to find that it doesn't quite look how they imagined it.

Meticulousness is also integral to the Natural stone paving task. The area should be properly measured, marked and leveled. The edges should be neatly done with the rest of the tiles correctly centered. Those with professional experience and a lot of practice make home improvement projects like this seem easy but the truth is laying the tiles on sand is very tiring and requires a great deal of care.

Do- it yourself stone paving is not impossible but getting professional help from a contractor or hardscaping expert is still best.

Stone paving, how ever you choose to do it, boast of many advantages though. Stone is durable, great for the outdoors and --if done right--very beautiful.

Stone Seller offers massive savings on a wide range of top brands of garden landscaping products , including Garden Paving , Stone Pavers , Natural Stone Paving , Paving Block , Stone Pavers , Concrete Paving , Paving Slabs and other associated landscaping materials that we can deliver direct to your door

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New music review: Election Special, Ry Cooder (Perro Verde ...

With this quick-and-dirty editorial, Ry Cooder has produced some timely listening material for the months preceding the U.S. election. He?s singing to the choir: those who have as little control over their situation as the poor dog Mitt Romney once placed on top of his car while driving on a family vacation (the hapless pooch narrates Mutt Romney Blues). The loosely banged-out country, blues and rock are expected, but the blunt and journalistic approach ? in the strategically-timed style of Neil Young?s Living With War and Steve Earle?s The Revolution Starts Now ? is less so. It?s a fine album that walks a cathartic line between nasty and poignant, keeping alive the roll Cooder has been on since he released Chavez Ravine in 2005.

Podworthy: The 90 and the 9

Rating: ****

Election Special will be available Aug. 21

Here?s a video featuring The Wall Street Part of Town, from the disc.

To download the song free, click here.


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Analysis: Clashes expose India's communal divide as elections loom

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The anonymous text message on Bhumidhar Das' mobile phone was chilling: "Muslims will attack and kill our people after Ramadan. Return home."

Within hours, Das, a Hindu working at a car factory in the city of Pune, joined tens of thousands of fellow migrant workers returning to hometowns in the remote northeast after getting or hearing of similar messages.

Nearly 80 people have been killed and 400,000 displaced in fighting between Muslims and mostly Hindu Bodo tribesmen in northeastern Assam state in recent weeks. The mass flight was sparked by rumors that Muslims, a big minority in predominantly Hindu India, were seeking revenge for the Assam violence.

Normally, there is little fallout in the rest of India from bouts of violence in Assam, which borders Bangladesh and is one of seven states connected to the main bulk of the country by a 'chicken neck' of land. This time, however, the grisly scenes unfolding in the far-flung northeast may fan communal politics in a country where simmering tensions between Hindus and Muslims have often been exploited for electoral gain.

As India heads for national elections in 2014 amid a sharp slowdown in growth, religious politics, along with a loss of jobs and wealth, could be a key issue.

"The conflict in Assam is getting communalized," said Zoya Hasan, a political scientist at New Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University and former member of the National Commission for Minorities.

"Right-wing nationalist parties are cashing in on this by calling Assam's Muslims 'foreigners' and 'illegal Bangladeshi migrants' who threaten the fabric of Indian society. They are not going to let this go so easily, especially with elections coming up and will try to make this a Hindu-Muslim issue."

The state and other parts of the northeast are home to hundreds of tribes and ethnic groups. Violence usually stems from tribal rivalries, anger against Muslim settlers from Bangladesh or from insurgencies.

While religion-driven politics has taken a backseat in the last decade of India's economic boom, there are signs Muslim discontent over the violence is spreading. While parties across the political spectrum have condemned the recent bloodshed in Assam, divisive rhetoric has come from all sides.

In India's financial capital, Mumbai, massive protests by Muslims against events in Assam turned violent earlier this month, killing two people and wounding dozens. In Pune, the city where Das was working, students from the northeast were beaten. Unrest has also been reported in Lucknow and Allahabad in the north.

Rumors of Muslim retaliation at the end of the holy month of Ramadan this week have swirled, with threats of attacks on northeast Indians carried on social media and phone text messages.

As a result, more than 30,000 migrants from the northeast working in cities such as Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad rushed in terror back to their homes. How safe they will be there is open to question - two of those fleeing were killed and nine were injured on Sunday after they were pushed from a moving train.

The Interior Ministry said on Saturday most of the text messages and website images originated in Pakistan, an Islamic state and India's arch-rival. Islamabad rejected the suggestion as "baseless and unfounded".


In Assam, conflict between Bodo tribes and Muslims is not new. Decades of feuding over land rights and political power has often erupted into blood-letting, the worst of which was in 1983 when nearly 3,000 people were massacred.

Bodos say Muslims are illegal settlers from neighboring Bangladesh who take their land, reducing them to a minority.

They point to a surge in the Muslim population, which is now better organized politically under influential leaders such as Badruddin Ajmal, whose party is the main opposition in the state of tea plantations and oilfields.

Muslims say they are not illegal immigrants and that they are being marginalized by Bodos, who are economically and politically stronger.

Over time, India's two main political parties - the secular Congress, which rules the state as well as in New Delhi, and the main opposition Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) - have sought to benefit from conflict.

The BJP has often been accused of fomenting Hindu-Muslim violence. It supports the Bodos' claims and accuses Congress of allowing illegal immigration for electoral gains.

"The Congress Party ... does not have to import illegal immigrants to increase its votebank," Arun Jaitley, a senior BJP leader told parliament. "The government must stop this illegal immigration, the entire border must be fenced, the detection and deportation (of illegal migrants) must begin forthwith."

Congress says most Muslims in Assam are Indian citizens.

In Assam's squalid displacement camps, hundreds of thousands of Bodos and Muslims languish, too fearful to return home after seeing their villages razed, possessions looted or neighbors shot or hacked to death.

Weeks after clashes broke out, convoys of paramilitary trucks still drive through the main roads in this lush rice-growing region. A night curfew remains in place.


Fathoming what happened in Assam is critical for India, whose history is scarred with episodes of slaughter by citizens divided by ethnicity and religion.

Centuries of rule by medieval Muslim invaders drove a wedge between Hindus and Muslims, a suspicion that has only grown since the bloody birth of Pakistan, which was carved from Muslim-majority areas of India in 1947.

Up to one million people were killed in Hindu-Muslim violence when Pakistan was created, which many Indians still refer to as "Partition".

About 170 million Muslims live in India. Many are disenchanted, their alienation partly fueled by the demolition of the 16th-century Babri mosque by Hindu zealots in 1992 and communal riots in Gujarat state in 2002, when around 2,500 people, mostly Muslims, were hacked and burnt to death.

The BJP rose to prominence in the early 1990s on the back of a Hindu revivalist movement. Its leaders led the demolition of the Babri Mosque.

"The BJP is known to play up the communal issue on a much larger scale than Congress. They have an upper caste Hindu agenda," said Asghar Ali Engineer, chairman of the Centre for Study of Society and Secularism.

This has not automatically translated into Muslim support for Congress, which had enjoyed the Muslim vote in the years after independence from Britain.

Congress has often been accused of failing to protect Muslims, and a substantial portion of that vote has waned, going to new regional parties instead.

The Gujarat riots, however, saw the tide turn again in favor of Congress in the 2004 elections, as Muslims saw the party as the only one capable of stopping the BJP and its "Hindutva" or Hindu nationalist agenda.

Making up about 14 percent of India's 1.2 billion people, Muslims are the biggest minority group. Their vote is critical in key swing states such as Assam, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in the north, West Bengal in the east and Kerala in the south.

With a large chunk of middle class moderate Hindus put off by the Gujarat riots, the BJP has tried to reinvent itself - balancing the need for a softer Hindutva plank with a broader agenda of development and good governance.

Its leaders such as Narendra Modi, chief minister of Gujarat, under whose watch the 2002 riots took place, have in recent years adopted a softer line as they jostle to become the party's prime ministerial candidate in the 2014 elections.


Just how the Assam violence is dealt with could be a deciding factor in votes in certain states.

"Incidents such as what we have witnessed in Assam are read very keenly by the Indian voter. He watches how things are managed or, in this case, mismanaged and exploited," said M.J. Akbar, editorial director of India Today magazine.

There is likely to be a return to anti-Muslim rhetoric and issues such as illegal migration as right-wing parties struggle to form vote-winning policies with an electorate fed up with an opposition that is seen as keener to bash the government than work with it as the economy slows sharply.

For Congress, the issue will be much more complicated, analysts said.

The party will have to consolidate Muslim votes won in the last elections in 2009, while at the same time reassure moderate Hindus who have been angered by the handling of the Assam violence.

"The way this violence took place, the killings and the massive displacement as well as the exodus of northeast people, is likely to lead to more polarization between Hindu and Muslims," said Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, political scientist at Kolkata's Rabindra Bharati University.

On Friday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told migrants from the northeast they were safe, while adding that India's "communal harmony" was at stake.

Many from the northeast say they need more than just words of reassurance.

Two trains from Bangalore packed with around 4,000 people arrived in Guwahati, Assam's main city, over the weekend.

"I have left due to fear. My job is important, but my life and that of my family is more precious," said security guard Binod Boro, 30, who got down from a train onto an overcrowded platform, followed by his wife and their two-year-old daughter.

(Additional reporting by Biswajyoti Das in GUWAHATI; Editing by John Chalmers and Dean Yates)


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GOODBYE, MARISSA MAYER: Yahoo' s Top New ... - Business Insider

Yahoo ad sales boss Wayne Powers has quit the company for a new job at Cond? Nast's Advance Publications, AllThingsD's Peter Kafka reports.

Powers was hired by new Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer's interim predecessor, Ross Levinsohn, back when Levinsohn's job was to run Yahoo's media businesses. He came from Time Inc.

Early on at Yahoo, Powers earned a reputation as someone who would demand accountability from people in an organization that had grown lazy.

Expect lots of turnover at Yahoo as new CEO Marissa Mayer figures out who she can work with. One source close to the top of Yahoo told us that everyone who reported to Mayer's predecessors will be gone before the end of the year.

This turnover will cost Yahoo in the short to medium term.

A source deeply informed of Yahoo's business and well-connected with its executives, predicts that, while Yahoo's Q3 sales started strong and that Q4 is already ahead of last year,?sales revenues will nevertheless suffer to the tune of $50 million to $100 million in Q3, and $100 million to $200 million in Q4. ?(For context: Yahoo sales totaled $1.2 billion last quarter.)

For an explanation on WHY the company will lose that money, go here:?Marissa Mayer And Yahoo Are Headed For A Rough Few First Months Together


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Megan Boken a 23yearold former St Louis University volleyball player was shot killed in her car at a St Louis intersecti...

SbB LIVE FROM LA (Aug 19, 2012 @ 7:17pm ET)

Comments | SbB Live RSS Feed
Sunday, August 19, 2012

7:15 PM: San Francisco 49ers CEO Jed York said he would be willing to resume preseason scrimmages with the Oakland Raiders, but not preseason games. Two fans were shot & a third beaten following a 49ers-Raiders preseason game in 2011.

7:00 PM: A sketch of Lucas Oil Stadium done by Indianapolis Colts QB Andrew Luck reportedly sold for $1,500 on eBay.

6:45 PM: Chicago Bears rookie safety Brandon Hardin was released from the hospital Sunday. Hardin had been sent when he was carted off the field after suffering a neck injury during Saturday's preseason game against the Washington Redskins.

6:30 PM: After signing with the Phoenix Suns when the Minnesota Timberwolves didn't take him back, Michael Beasley decided to hold an estate sale this weekend.

6:15 PM: New Boston Celtics player Jason Terry gets a new tattoo & says his new team will win next season's NBA title.

6:00 PM: A Tallahassee, Florida high school softball coach was arrested Thursday on charges of soliciting a minor. Milan Ivey was caught by police when he thought he was meeting up with a 13-year-old girl.

5:45 PM: The Mankato Free Press reports Minnesota State football coach Todd Hoffner has been placed on administrative leave after he was escorted off the field by school officials during Friday's practice.

5:30 PM: A county commissioner's bull escaped from its pen & injured a 42-year-old woman in North Las Vegas on Saturday.

5:15 PM: Former CFL player Trevis Smith, who was recently hired as a defensive coordinator for an Alabama high school, was fired when the school learned of Smith's 2007 conviction of sexual assault in Canada.

5:00 PM: Chicago Cubs starting pitcher Chris Volstad extended his winless streak to 24 games after getting a no decision in Sunday's 5-4 loss to the Cincinnati Reds.

4:45 PM: Washington Huskies running backs Joshua Perkins & Willis Wilson - who were dismissed from the team on Thursday for violating team rules - were reinstated to the team on Friday.

4:30 PM: A no-hitter bid by Kansas City Royals pitcher Jeremy Guthrie against the Chicago White Sox Sunday was broken up by Paul Konerko in the 7th inning on this play that was ruled a hit instead of an error.

4:15 PM: The New York Daily News reports that former Red Sox catcher Kelly Shoppach supposedly used Adrian Gonzalez's phone to text Boston ownership complaining about manager Bobby Valentine.

4:00 PM: The NFL says it's up to the New York Giants if they want to do anything about a video posted by punter Steve Weatherford of defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul carrying cornerback Prince Amukamara and throwing him into a tub of water.

3:45 PM: A Kansas State football player who had been declared missing since Wednesday afternoon was found in "good condition" just after midnight Saturday. Sam Harvill was located on the grounds of Fort Riley Military Installation.

? previous entries


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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Set different colors for the window border and the taskbar in Windows 8 RTM

In Windows 8, Microsoft has disabled aero transparency on window borders.? In Windows Vista, when aero transparency is enabled, you may notice that this transparency goes away when you maximize the window. Microsoft was at pains to tell that this was actually performance optimization.?In Windows 7, you notice that even maximized windows have this transparency effect ? thereby debunking the explanation of ?performance optimization? given earlier during the Vista days.

In Windows 8, you may have noticed, that the window borders and taskbar are opaque and take the hue or color of the wallpaper, provided the default setting of Automatic matching of colors is retained. So if you have a blue wallpaper displayed on your desktop, the taskbar and the windows borders will automatically take a matching bluish color. The window in focus takes this color, while the window/s in the background takes a light grey color.

front windows Set different colors for the window border and the taskbar in Windows 8 RTM

In?Windows 8 pre-final versions, one could select different colors for the windows borders and the taskbar. But you cannot do so in Windows 8 RTM or Final version. Personally I prefer the way it is being handled in Windows 8 RTM. But if?you would like set different colors for the window border and the taskbar, you will have to tweak your registry.

Set different colors for?window border and?taskbar in Windows 8

To do so, open regedit and navigate to the following key:


Here in the right pane, double-click on EnableWindowColorization and changes its value to 0, from the default 1.

win reg col Set different colors for the window border and the taskbar in Windows 8 RTM

Next, open Task Manager and navigate to Windows Processes > Desktop Window Manager. Press the End task button, select the Abandon unsaved data and shut down? button and then on Shut down.

dwm task Set different colors for the window border and the taskbar in Windows 8 RTM

Your desktop process (and not your PC) will restart and you will now see the change. The windows in the background will have a light grey background and the window in the foreground will have a white border ? whereas you taskbar will continue to have the set color ? which is blue in my case.

col 2 Set different colors for the window border and the taskbar in Windows 8 RTM

This will work all fine, as long as you do not change your windows color. If you change your window color,?you will lose this customization, and you will have to do this all over again.

If you have liked this post, you might want to check out some more, on topics like Customize, Taskbar, Tweak.


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APCO's 2012 Award Winners | Public Safety Communications

Every year, APCO presents awards to public safety communications personnel in seven categories who demonstrate the highest levels of personal and professional conduct and performance in the line of duty. This year?s winners are being honored during the 78th Annual APCO International Conference & Expo in Minneapolis. The are:

Telecommunicator of the Year

Donna Kelly

Donna Kelly

Donna Kelly is a primary call receiver at Kitsap County (Wash.) CENCOM. In the entry form nominating Donna for the award, one of her colleagues said, ?We, as a team, are better calltakers, dispatchers and teammates because Donna is here working with us and pushing us to exceed our own individual standards of helping others. Once you work with her, you wish you could develop your skills and knowledge, and be an example of leadership and consistency like her.?

Donna juggles many roles at CENCOM in addition to her job as primary call receiver. She serves as the center?s terminal agency coordinator (TAC), facilitator for the call-receiving academies, chair to the testing group, communications training officer and criteria-based dispatch instructor for EMS call training.

According to the nomination form, ?On any random day the floor personnel will decide to discuss who the Pro-Bowl type members of our dispatch center are. It?s almost like fantasy football picks with discussions of why these operators should be on the list for ?the perfect team.? The first person mentioned is typically Donna. She is always the first to pick up ringing 9-1-1 lines and challenges others to be just as quick. One of the phrases commonly heard when describing Donna as a teammate is, ?She gets to it before I even have to ask, and I know when she is working it will get handled quickly and correctly.?

?It is second nature for Donna to think of the whole picture and consider every aspect of someone else?s job, always thinking of others first. ? When Donna is working, you just know that no matter what type of calls the day will bring, the day is going to be funny and go as well as it can because she is handling our calls. She is definitely not an average employee; she is the gold star student in class that shines above the rest. Donna is always looking for the bigger and better way to deliver great service to our citizens here in Kitsap County. She shines above the rest due to her dependability, her eagerness to succeed, her excitement about catching co-workers or trainees doing the job correctly, her ability to flex to different learning styles and training styles, the expression on her face when she realizes she saved a life and yet doesn?t need to hear ?Great Job Donna!? I have been blessed to work with Donna on my shift.?

Radio Frequency Technologist of the Year

Craig Haddock

Craig Haddock

Craig Haddock?s position at the Texas Department of Public Safety is supervisor, Tower Site Unit. Craig is responsible for the entire DPS tower infrastructure, consisting of more than 450 assets at approximately 119 sites across Texas. He is the project manager for all tower installations and removals. Craig installs and/or oversees the installation of radio site ground antenna systems, security systems, emergency power generators, fuel systems, and site alarm status reporting equipment. He maintains records of all sites and the equipment housed at each one. Craig supervises two Radio Tower Technicians and is responsible for training and monitoring each technician?s progress.

?Texans may never know the impact of Craig?s efforts,? wrote Craig?s colleague on the nomination form, ?but they will definitely reap the benefit. From El Paso to Texarkana and Amarillo to Brownsville and all points in between, Craig has been there responding when and where there is a need. ?

?He is a vital member of the communications emergency operations team (CEOT) and serves as lead technician on the department?s ranger recon missions along the Texas/Mexico border. Whether it is planning for a mission or in his day-to-day operations, Craig is responsible for infrastructure additions, site expansions and improvements to ensure coverage and systems reliability. He serves as a liaison between the department and other state agencies and is often called upon to assist local and county agencies with repairs or maintenance in times of crisis.

?He is the driving force, the hub that keeps the wheel, his team, moving. When praised for his work accomplishments Craig is quick to acknowledge all the others who helped the project succeed, always directing the attention back to the team. Working with multiple types of radio systems requires that Craig be well versed in all types of technologies. Craig has developed great working relationships throughout the entire 262,400 square miles of Texas. He uses skill, patience, collaboration and common sense when working with others to get the job done.

?No matter the assignment or location, Craig is up for the challenge. One day he may be hanging an antenna on a tower on a West Texas mountaintop and the next day trying to blend in while building a radio infrastructure along the Texas border for a special, covert operation. Familiarity of the many remote tower sites is a must.

?His work ethic and commitment to excellence have led to the success of the department?s radio projects.?

Information Technologist of the Year

Corey Nelson

Corey Nelson

Corey Nelson is IT manager for Emergency Communications of Southern Oregon. According to the nomination form, ?Corey is a one-man department, serving 28 public safety agencies, which can be a very demanding position. Corey oversees the MSAG/Geofile department (also a one-man department) and is always coming up with more ways to make the dispatchers? jobs easier, as well as the user agencies we serve. Corey has written numerous reporting programs enabling users to pull a variety of reports from their offices, and maintains over 200 mobile data computers for our user agencies. Whenever a problem is found, Corey is quick to offer suggestions or create programs to fix the problem or simply make the agency more efficient.

His colleagues say, ?[Corey] is very thorough and finds the most cost effective way to meet the desired goal. He is very professional and knowledgeable. He is always willing to assist us, even when it is on very short notice. And even in the most trying situations, he remains pleasant at all times!?

?I always appreciate Corey?s attitude toward those of us who will never know as much about computers and computer systems as he does. He never talks down to you when you ask a question or have a problem. He is always more than willing to help and has an easiness about him that is reassuring. Professional in every way.?

No task is too big or too small for Corey, say his colleagues. ?Anytime someone asks ?Can you ? ?? the answer is ?Yes.? He works quickly, efficiently and affordably, always keeping the mindset we are a government agency and need to be fiscally responsible to our taxpayers.

?Corey started out as a ?self taught? technology expert and has worked harder than anyone I know in IT to prove himself invaluable. During our move in 2009 to our brand new facility built to enable our consolidation with a neighboring PSAP, Corey not only helped design the structure, but spent more nights in the new building than at home. Corey, along with help from MSAG/Geofile Coordinator Chad Pliler, pulled miles of cabling on their own, creating a state-of-the-art, beautifully organized facility.

?In addition to his day-to-day responsibilities within the center, Corey provides reports and IT support to all 28 agencies served by ECSO. He is on call 24/7 and is never grumpy with callers, regardless of the hour, or day of the week. He has been too generous in giving out his phone number to field units, and is consistently called on his days off, and even vacation. Corey is very dedicated to the agency, and to the profession as a whole.

?Corey is an invaluable asset to our agencies. Other managers from around the state of Oregon have called me to confess they are trying to steal Corey and have offered him positions within their own Centers, but Corey has turned them down. In Jackson County, Ore., we know we are fortunate to have him as our IT manager.?

Team of the Year

Citrus County

Citrus County

Representing the Citrus Heights (Calif.) Police Department, Heather Brown, dispatcher I; Amanda Schroeder, dispatcher II; Stephen Rodwell, senior dispatcher, communications training officer, and CAD & RMS software trainer; and Helen Zuniga, supervisor, are the recipients of the Team of the Year Award.

On Friday, Oct. 28, 2011, at 1206 hrs, Brown received a 9-1-1 call from a woman who advised that her adult son, Greg Jr., was on the phone with his father and had taken a bottle of Trazadone. The father was currently on an open line with the son, who had a loaded gun by his side and was attempting suicide by taking a bottle of anti-depression medication. The son was an Army soldier stationed in Germany. Brown performed a quick Internet query on Trazadone and learned that suicidal thoughts are a possible side effect.

The mother was upset and did not know her son?s date of birth or Social Security number. She was able to advise 9-1-1 that Greg Jr. worked in water purification and that 92-Wiskey was his job classification. Brown used CJIS to find Greg Jr.?s SSN so they could search for his location through military records. Brown requested the cell phone number for the father, and had the mother tell him she was going to call him and to answer. When she called the father they were able to patch the dispatcher into the phone call he was having with his son. Brown began speaking with the father at 1227 hrs. The remainder of the phone call was with the father, Greg Sr.

He advised the dispatcher that he had been talking to his son for approximately an hour before his wife called. Greg Sr. advised Brown that his son had fallen into a depression and had been seeing an Army counselor.? By the time the dispatcher was connected to Greg Sr., his son had been silent for approximately 15 minutes. All that could be heard in the background was music playing.

The father did not know where his son was stationed. Brown attempted to locate Greg Jr. on Facebook, but could not see his page due to his privacy settings. The father then advised that his son had an ex-girlfriend, Flower, who was the mother of his child. Another dispatcher attempted to call Flower but was unable to reach her.

Greg Sr. then drove to Flower?s apartment. Flower did find Greg Jr.?s phone number and the address on a package that he had sent her. The package had been sent from the U.S. Army Garrison Grafenwoehr? in April.

Simultaneous to the above events, Schroeder conducted Internet, local and regional law enforcement database searches; contacted the international operator; reached out to personal contacts; and finally called a local military base, speaking to two very helpful soldiers who were able to help them locate Greg Jr. to get the help he needed.

While keeping an open line with dispatch, a senior airman and a staff sergeant of Travis Air Force base called Ramstein AFB in Germany for assistance while Schroeder contacted Army personnel to assist. A phone call to the Mannheim Military Police in Germany confirmed the location of Greg Jr.?s unit.

While on an open three-way phone call established by operators and Brown, the Grafenwoehr Police located Greg Jr.?s address, forced entry and found him unconscious but alive. He was transported to the Grafenwoehr Hospital. The Travis AFB airman and staff sergeant stayed on the phone for approximately 45 minutes, effectively relaying information between dispatch, Ramstein AFB and the Grafenwoehr Police. At approximately 1410, Brown heard a male voice in the back ground saying ?Wake up.?

Brown advised Greg Sr. that his phone number had been given to military authorities, who should be contacting him shortly.

From the initial call at 1206 to 1418 hrs when Brown disconnected with the father, she was on the phone for 2 hours and 12 minutes. It was extremely frustrating to not be able to get help to Greg Jr. sooner.

During this incident, dispatch partner Stephen Rodwell handled all radio channels so that Brown and Schroeder could work to get help to Greg Jr. Dispatch Supervisor Helen Zuniga jumped in and answered the majority of other incoming phone calls.

If not for the hard work and perseverance of everyone in dispatch, this call could have had a much different outcome. This was an extraordinary example of how a team should work together. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and they found the needle.

Line Supervisor of the Year

Karen Stephenson

Karen Stephenson

Communications Supervisor Karen ?Kisha? Stephenson was hired by Stafford County (Va.) Sheriff?s Office Emergency Communications in 2000. After learning all positions within the center, she began expanding her knowledge through extensive training classes. She became a communications training officer, certified VCIN instructor and a POST/BASIC instructor. In 2009, Kisha was promoted to Communications supervisor. Both before and after her promotion, she has taken every opportunity for any training that will improve her ability to do her job, including training for warrant entry, CPR/AED training, leadership classes, radio operation and critical incident response. She continued her mastery of all things VCIN and NCIC and is the resident department expert on entry into the systems. She has been frequently recognized for her superior service to the community and her co-workers, winning many department awards, including Stafford County Supervisor of the Year award three years in a row.

Kisha?s special abilities go far beyond mere mastery of her assignments and her desire for ongoing training. She is well respected, deeply trusted and is known for her willingness to work right alongside her shift, never asking them to do anything she doesn?t do herself. She has high standards for her shift, including no gossip or negativity; however, she is the first to praise their efforts, proudly rewarding their achievements and standing behind them through good and bad times.

Kisha challenges those around her, through her actions and example, to meet and exceed the tasks at hand. This includes regular day-to-day activities of staff, while mindful of unusual events or particular calls that could impact an individual or her shift. During the August 2011 earthquake, she made sure each staff member was able to get a break during a 90-minute period of high call volume and radio traffic, managing her personnel resources (dispatchers off duty reported to work without being called) and making sure each staff member could check on their families. She did this because she?s cognizant that staff members, when not worried about their families, can focus and meet the needs of the community.

Kisha doesn?t hesitate to jump into the weeds with her shift on a regular basis and be one of the first people answering phones, covering radio positions and handling VCIN/NCIC paperwork. This is best described by a comment from a staff member who said, ?She helps wherever she?s needed. She?s the type of super?visor that works with us, not independent of us.?

Another staff member stated, ?She is willing to help anyone, anytime, anywhere.?

Director of the Year

Carol Adams

Carol Adams

Carol Adams is director of emergency communications for the Stafford County Sheriff?s Office Emergency Communications in Virginia. According to the entry form, it is clear through her interaction with staff that she understands the challenges faced by staff?the shift work, the hours, the stressors?while recognizing the need for breaks, downtime and time away from work to spend with family and friends. She has effectively improved the staffing environment to enable 15-minute breaks and lunch breaks while also reducing overtime and burnout caused from too many hours worked.

?Carol?s management of the county?s radio project provided many opportunities to promote innovation. Through creativity and opportunity, she was able to save more than $200,000 annually in fees and rents (based on originally budgeted figures) for tower sites that supported the system?s radio infrastructure.

?In 2010, she coordinated a regional grant that enhanced the training environment at the local regional training academy from an antiquated system to the provisioning of a cost-effective and up-to-date radio simulator coordinated with calltaking functionality that has provided an efficient means for realistic training and testing of those in the communications training academy. The same grant opportunity provided a training library for the regional academy and its satellite facility.

?Carol continually seeks out opportunity to learn. Although she doesn?t have day to day responsibilities of a front line dispatcher, she continues to see the importance of maintaining the education and certifications she has obtained. And, yes, she will jump in and help when the need arises and does so many times during the year. She promotes learning in a fiscally responsible way whenever possible, promoting training that enhances ?shift? operations as well as training to enhance overall center operations. She empowers her staff to seek opportunities to continue learning, promoting ownership of learning to staff members, recognizing staff and their knowledge is a great resource for education. She participates and takes advantage of learning opportunities through conference, symposium and summit offerings.

?Carol is dedicated to the profession and to each individual who sees public safety communications as a career and, in some cases, a calling. She has done this at the local level, the regional level, the state level and nationally. At each turn she has made a positive impact, starting at home in providing a good work environment, surrounding herself with good leaders?individuals whom she can mentor as leaders for tomorrow.

?Her commitment to the profession is exemplary and is demonstrated in everything she does. Her dedication to the individual sitting behind the console, the end user of their radio system, planning efforts to benefit public safety communications, grant funding opportunities and successes, opportunities for leadership mentoring and looking to the future in educating and becoming aware of trends affecting public safety emergency communications are more than a singular full-time job. Carol successfully puts a great deal of effort and time in to each.?

Trainer of the Year

Doreen Wasick

Doreen Wasick

Doreen Wasick is lead fire dispatcher/trainer for Mesa Fire Department in Arizona. According to the entry form, Doreen ?defines the term ?team player.? She has been directly involved in supporting the MRDC transition to a secondary PSAP. This ongoing process has been full of challenges and emotions. Doreen was instrumental in creating an environment which lowered tension and created harmony as she listened to personnel who may have otherwise objected to the transition. She worked to provide solutions to meet everyone?s needs and, ultimately, support public safety.

?Doreen demonstrates her knowledge of the profession on a daily basis. She is truly a ?Jack of all trades,? with mastery of most. On a typical work day, Doreen willingly performs the tasks of all fire dispatch floor positions (dispatch, response, tactical and backup); provides leadership decisions for operational tasks; trains new employees; processes payroll; fills staffing needs; covers the floor supervisory position; answers calls from various agencies and operations personnel, including complaints; meets with multiple committee members; and assists with the decision-making process (up to and including the fire chief); and she always accomplishes these tasks with a smile.

?Doreen has been instructing communications personnel for the majority of her career. Her ability to grasp a concept, put together comprehensive training materials and, most of all, deliver quality education that appeals to all were recognized early on by communications staff. Specifically, Doreen has demonstrated her ability throughout our dispatcher-assisted CPR protocol programmatic changes.

?During her tenure as a lead fire dispatcher/trainer, Doreen has accomplished many goals that have led to the success of our organization. These include but are not limited to: the complete program development and implementation of the latest American Heart Association Guidelines for telephone-assisted CPR; MRDC training program development; design and delivery of the new calltaker training program; delivery of our EMD continuing education and role play program; development and delivery of the Rio Verde Fire District response plans; design and training of personnel in the use of a CPR database and tape recording procedure; and training of herself and others in the use of our EMD builder program.

?Although her accomplishments are many, the true value lies within the results and acceptance.?

Horizon Award

The Horizon Award recognizes the technological advancements of comm centers across the nation with the enhancement of voice and data communications. The intent of this award is to acknowledge the efforts of communications centers that have proactively assessed and met the technological and operational needs of their center, employees and service population. The 2012 recipients are:

  • Small center?Fort Smith EMS 9-1-1 Communications Center, Arkansas
  • Large center?Phoenix Police Communications, Arizona

More information on the Awards and APCO?s 78th Annual Conference & Expo is available on APCO?s website.

Keri Losavio, editor, Public Safety Communications


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Repairing Windows registry for computer from being slow the videos?


Posted under Windows Registry Repair by admin

Question by James H: Repairing Windows registry for computer from being slow the videos?
I was told that I may have to Repair Windows registry and optimize my internet using some optimizer such as Reginout Optimizer,anyone know the steps I can do it myself instead of taking it in and paying for it. tell Me the steps Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Kirby
Pretty sure those are crap and viruses.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags: being, computer, from, registry, Repairing, slow, videos, windows


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